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A fellow freelancer I had met as part of a online biz course, asked in a Facebook group if anyone would like to join her in forming a mastermind. I jumped on the opportunity. It started with us meeting on Skype once a month. The Official Online Store of MASTERMIND TOKYO. Introducing products of MASTERMIND WORLD, mastermind JAPAN, created by designer Masaaki Honma. Mastermind - Rules of the game. The computer picks a sequence of colors. The number of colors is the code length. The default code length is 4 but it can be changed. Join thousands of others and keep your mind sharp! Code Breaker Multiplayer Strategy Guide Banzuke. Multiplayer Code Breaker is as simple as 1, 2, 3. Craft your code breaker code above then hit Save. Grab the code below and pass it.

Freelancing is hard. Yes, freedom is wonderful, but we can’t ignore the fact that being your own boss, making decisions on your own, and taking full responsibility for the balance in your bank account at the end of the month comes with it’s own stresses. Often a lot of them.

Freelancing is also lonely. Being able to work from anywhere with only a laptop, is something most people only dream of. And we may not realize until we’ve been doing it for a while, that we actually enjoyed those pointless chitchats with co-workers by the coffee machine. Working from home can make you feel isolated.

Usually your friends & family don’t quite understand your business, and as much as they may try to be supportive, they often can’t give you the advice or motivation you need in everyday business.

So what to do about it?

Find an accountability partner or two

You may have heard me talk about mine as I have mentioned them here and there on the blog (or been featured on the Freelancers Spotlight). My business has honestly changed since I’ve had them and I’m so grateful for them everyday.

Early in my business development I was encouraged during a business class to get an accountability partner. I simply connected with another woman in the group, and we checked in with each other from time to time. In the beginning we setup a call each week to talk about our goals for the week and what we had accomplished the week before.

It’s amazing how much more motivating it can be to get work done and to keep working toward bigger goals when you know someone will be following up with you.

Create or join a mastermind group

A fellow freelancer I had met as part of a online biz course, asked in a Facebook group if anyone would like to join her in forming a mastermind. I jumped on the opportunity. It started with us meeting on Skype once a month. There are 5 us, the perfect small group where we all get to talk about our ups and downs, get feedback on our current ideas, and brainstorm together. We have now setup a Facebook group where we interact daily. We post our current struggles, proofread each others program copy, and most of all support each other through sharing and spreading each other’s work. We’ll tell each other when ideas suck, we share articles, books & cool stuff online and give each other boosts of confidence when we need it.

Although I haven’t met these ladies yet in person (we all live in different countries), they have become best friends in business.

I can’t recommend having a mastermind group or accountability partner enough. But when you’re new to business, it’s hard to imagine where to find someone to join you and a little nerve-wracking to put yourself out there.

The thing to remember is that most freelancers or entrepreneurs are in the same place as you. Feeling lonely working for themselves, needing someone to brainstorm ideas with, and being supported on a daily basis. It’s just a matter of connecting with others and making it known that you are looking to put something more formal together. You don’t have to be in the same business or at the exact same stage of your journey.

Start out by deciding what you would like in a mastermind group. Do you want to meet weekly or monthly? Do you want to have specific topics each month or just talk about each other’s current goals and successes?

I recommend making it as simple as possible in the beginning and see where it goes from there. My group for example met once a month, then realized we loved it so much, we wanted a place to interact daily (so we made a Facebook group). We still have our calls- to see each other face to face in a more organized fashion (which we all look forward to), but it’s nice to be able to ask for feedback immediately.

Set some primary goals just to keep it organized in the beginning but let it grow organically from there.

Here are 5 places to find a mastermind group or accountability partner:

Facebook Groups

If you have already joined a Facebook group or two, simply post that you are looking for others interested in joining a group. Haven’t joined any groups yet? Get on it! You can find them simply by searching in Facebook groups for terms like entrepreneur, freelancing, freelancers, etc. If they appear to just be spamming or self-promoting groups, there are some other places to look as well.

Many freelancers have setup their own groups and use it for an optin on their website. Take a look at some of your favorite websites and blogs and see if they have something that says “Join Our Community”.

If you resonate with the person’s website or message, you will likely resonate with the other people that are part of their group, making it a perfect place to find mastermind buddies.


Connect with others on Twitter and reach out to some asking if they are interested in joining a mastermind group. Or simply post to your twitter (or your facebook too) saying that you are on the lookout and anyone interested can contact you. Don’t have many connections? Use a website like FollowerWonk to search for people based on the words in their bio. This is great for connecting in general but will also help you find people to mastermind with.

On your website

Write a blog post explaining why and how you’d like to set up a mastermind and tell people to contact you if they are interested. Or even easier, put up a little graphic in your sidebar as a sort of advertisement for your mastermind.

Straight-up ask people

Whether on social media, in forums, in groups, by email or in person, there is no harm in simply asking people if they are interested in being part of a mastermind or accountability group.

Paid Masterminds

Setting up your own mastermind with a group of friends/colleagues is a great start, but joining paid masterminds can give you a next level of support an accountability. The reality is, people are simply more committed to success when they’ve got some money on the line. This also usually gives you access to the leader/coach who may be a few steps ahead of you and can guide you further than your peer-group.

Mastermind Online

Look at the coaches and communities you follow and see if they offer a mastermind. From experience, you’ll want to make sure you get 1-1 time with the leader, as that’s where the most progress can come.

Have you seen my FTF Accelerate Mastermind? Might be worth a look 🙂 Check it out here.

Research time!

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Look into some of the places listed above and put yourself out there. You won’t regret it, I promise!

Leave a comment and let me know if you have a mastermind group and why you love it (to motivate others to get one too) and if not, let my other readers know if you are looking for one!

The idea behind a mastermind group was first brought mainstream by Napoleon Hill in his book “The Law of Success” in the 1920’s, then later elaborated on “Think and Grow Rich” in 1930.

He defines it as the following…

“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

He continues…

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind] .”

Sign me up.

Of course, mastermind groups can be applied to anything from gardening to investing, but we’re going to keep an online entrepreneur lens on this for you to make sure this hits home.

The concept is fairly simple. You band together with 2 or more people with common goals and varied strengths to combat obstacles and accomplish goals.

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Think about a group of Affiliates that all run Native Ads, or ecommerce marketers trying their luck at sourcing products and building out their own brands.

All the same headaches, but multiple people coming together not to be successful individually, but as a team.

The brain power and learning speed of a mastermind group will dominate that of a lone marketer.

Mastermind Group Benefits

The main benefits of mastermind groups include:

1. Sharing Skill Sets

Having everyone in the group share the same strengths defeats that purpose. Try to find multiple people with different skill sets, so you can leverage it against your own weaknesses.

2. Hold Accountability

An effective mastermind group holds everyone accountable through organized action. Don’t just make plans, get organized, share tasks for the week and report back as a group. You’ll feel 10 times more responsible to follow through if you know someone’s expecting it.

3. The Spiritual Component

It’s not what you think, this is more that when you come together in a group with a general purpose to level-up, you’re then in turn opening yourself up to better ideas than you thought possible. You’re positioning yourself in a lane that’s more susceptible to greater success.

4. Avoid Pitfalls

Since you’ve teamed up with others going through similar situations, there’s a good chance many have failed and learned their lessons. You get a second hand experience at these, and the lessons they’ve learned, positioning yourself ahead by avoiding them as best as possible.

5. Add Value for Others

It’s the ‘give and you shall receive’ model. If you show up ready to share your strengths, you can believe that those in your group will be even more ready to help you when the time comes. Be generous, for it will come back tenfold.

How to start an Online Mastermind Group?

The benefits are clear, but where do you start to form your own mastermind group?

We spoke to industry veterans who are highly experienced with forming and chairing masterminds. Some have been in groups that have lasted well over a decade.

Here are the four steps they define as essential to a successful Mastermind Group:

Step 1: The Goal

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Why do you want to mastermind?

Don’t say to make money. BE SPECIFIC. Is it ecommerce? What about ecommerce?

Do you want to learn how to master a specific traffic source? Build a brand? Scale? Etc. PICK ONE.

The goal will be the name of your Skype/Telegram group. This will remind everyone what they should be focused on.

Step 2: The Team

Establish a team the size of 5-8 members.

You want to be sharing everything with one another. Keep it tight-knit and personal with a small group size. But large enough to have a range of opinions and skill sets.

Members need to be:

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  • All on the similar level as you.
  • All with similar work hours (both amount and timezone).
  • Ideally a range of skills, e.g design, programming etc.

Step 3: The Structure

This is how you make everyone adds value and helps to establish the spiritual component of a mastermind.

There needs to be a structure put in place to ensure calls are productive and that everyone is held accountable.

Here’s some Pro Tips for your mastermind group structure:

  • Assign a new chairman every week. They will be in charge of organising the weekly call.
  • You will organise a checklist of topics to cover, and stick to them.
  • The point of the calls are not to catch up on how your weekend dates went.
  • Assign a new timekeeper every week.
  • They will be documenting every important point discussed in the call so everyone can refer to them later.
  • Everyone should have equal time to speak and share.
  • Hold all comments until everyone is finished speaking.
  • Set a SCHEDULED time for a Skype call every week if possible.
  • Use Dropbox and assign a folder to each member.
  • Use Google docs for weekly topics and other important announcements.
  • Set an amount of money you must spend every week on testing.

Step 4: The Rules

If you don’t learn to cut the fat, the mastermind will fail.

In all masterminds there is always at least one straggler not contributing.

This brings down everyone else.

The easiest way to deal with an uneven share of work is by setting clear rules:

  • Write a google doc “contract”, clearly stating the expectations and terms and conditions. Get everyone to sign it.
  • If you miss a call you get a yellow card. If you miss two calls you get a red card.
  • Red cards means you get kicked out of the mastermind.
  • There should never be an excuse to miss a call since times are scheduled every week to cater for everyone.

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Finding Mastermind Group Members

Not sure where to find your members to create your mastermind group with?

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Think of the endless groups online either on STM Forum, Facebook, or reddit and put together a post sharing your goal and have people reach out if they are interested. Or else attend conferences like Affiliate World who create dedicated niche networking events to help fast-track connections and is the perfect hunting ground for mastermind groups.

But be sure to stick to your guns and do not just let anyone in.

If it takes a few weeks to establish your mastermind group, it will be well worth the wait.

Mastermind Group FAQ

How do I find a mastermind group?

Start with a post in relevant Facebook Groups, Subreddits or in premium communities like STM Forum. Ask if there are existing masterminds looking for motivated members to join. Explain what your goal is, your strengths and what you will bring to the group.

How much do mastermind groups cost?

Self-organized mastermind groups with a common shared purpose are free. But that does not mean they do not hold as much value as a $5,000 mastermind. The value from a highly curated mastermind will tenfold that figure.

How do I start a mastermind group?

To summarize the points above into a simple 4-step process:

  1. Step 1: Define your specific goal. What do you want to achieve? The goal will be the name of your mastermind group.
  2. Step 2: Establish your team. 5-8 members that are on the similar level as you, with similar work hours (both amount and timezone) and ideally possess a range of skills.
  3. Step 3: Create the structure. Schedule a set time, assign a new weekly chairman and timekeeper, define the week’s agenda. The aim of the game is to keep this time efficient and productive.
  4. Step 4: Define the ground rules. Start with a contract and the consequences if the group rules aren’t met. You must trim the fat if members slack off and pull down the group.

How do you structure a mastermind group?

The mastermind group will need to be a minimum of five members but a maximum of eight to keep quality, accountability and shareability high. Assigning a new chairman and timekeeper every week for the calls.

Members need to be of the similar experience as you and work similar hours (timezone and commitment) and ideally members should bring a range of skill sets to the table.

What happens in a mastermind group?

A mastermind group combines several minds that share a specific goal and varied strengths to combat obstacles and achieve the goal together as a team.