Graal Online Classic

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GraalOnline Classic; GraalOnline Era; GraalOnline Zone; GraalOnline Olwest-+ Shop; Map; News; Feedback. GraalOnline: The Adventure - Massively Multiplayer Games. The following definitions apply to the terms as they appear in this License: 'The Program' ('Program') means the computer programs and documentation included in the file(s) or package and is provided on an 'AS IS' basis, for your private personal use only.


Troubleshooting / Bug Issues
12 questions answered

Graal Online Classic

It is inevitable that bugs and conflicts pop up in a software every now and then. All we can do is try to fix them and hope for the best :)
These are some of the solutions that you can try if you run into any of the known issues below. Hopefully you will find at least a temporary solution to the problem.




When I started GraalOnline it kept saying 'Your IP is banned'! Why was I banned??!


Okay, first, calm down. That message does NOT have to mean that your account itself was banned from GraalOnline (unless you know deep inside that you did do something very bad :P).
Most probably, it is because we are putting a temporary ban on the whole network where you are connecting from (for example, AOL) due to hackers/cheaters exploiting it.
Once we settle the issue with the respective parties, we will remove the ban.

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Graal Online Classic Game


When I started GraalOnline it only says 'Graal.exe corrupted' !


The game checks for the checksum of Graal.exe. If it's incorrect, then there is a virus on your machine or a similar program that manipulates executables (some older virus checkers do so). Remove the virus or turn off the EXE manipulation program.
NOTE: Graal.exe also will not start when 'drivespace' is installed (hard disk compression) because then the Graal.exe checksum is wrong. Try not to run GraalOnline from a compressed drive.

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When I try to run GraalOnline, it says some sort of file is missing from the folder. Where can I find it?


All the necessary files should have came with the Typical (Full) Download Pack. But in case it is not there for some reasons, click on this link to download the Required Files and extract them into your Graal folder.
NOTE: This pack might NOT contain the latest files, so if you already have a similar file in the folder, do NOT replace it.

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When I open Graal.exe, I get an error saying that I have a virus. I used my virus scanner and found nothing. What's the deal ?


This probably means that you've compressed your hard drive to get more space. Refer to the previous question. (NOTE: Compressing DOES NOT mean using a FAT16 or FAT32 file system). But if you've played GraalOnline before on the same hard drive with no problem, then it is possible that you have a virus that your virus program can't pick up.

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Graal online classic wiki

Whenever I try to connect, I get an error message. What does it mean ?


There are a few different error messages that you might get when you try to connect to the GraalOnline Server. They either mean that the server is down, the server is having problems, or you don't have a correct username and password for the server. If you are sure you are typing in your username and password correctly then follow this link to generate a new password. This fixes the problem 90% of the time. If you've tried this several times then please email the Account Administrator.

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Graal Online Classic Uploads


Why is everyone not moving ?


Most probably it's because of the lag. If everyone is still not moving after some time, try these in the Options menu. Toggle 'Use fixed port for data packages' and 'Don't use UDP for data packages' On or Off and see if that solves the problem. NOTE: You will have to restart GraalOnline after each changes. Try a few combinations and see if they work.

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The graphics are all weird when I move, why ?


Turn on 'Draw in compatibility mode' in the More Options menu.

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My character always moves to the left !


GraalOnline just uses the installed joysticks. Try to re-calibrate your joysticks or turn off joystick support in the hardware Options Menu. Sometimes it helps when you just turn off Joystick2. (F1 - 'Controls').

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There are some weird NPCs in odd spots in some levels ... why ?


It happens ... other level's NPCs sometimes appear in different levels. This is a server problem and we are trying to solve it. If the NPC is blocking your way when it's not supposed to, ask a GP or Admin to update/refresh that level.

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The 'seteffect' command doesn't seem to do anything on my comp !


If your video card doesn't support it, then you won't see any effect.
(Note: seteffect was removed several versions ago)

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Graal Online Classic Plus


For the past few days, I haven't been able to connect to the server. Is the server down for good ?!


No, the server isn't going to be down for good without a notice. We were just shutting down the server temporarily to perform upgrades. This will happen from time to time.

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None of the Answers above solved my problem! What do I do now ?


Drop by at the Bugs Reports Section of the GraalOnline WebBoard and check if your problem is already being discussed there. If not, you can either start a thread on the WebBoard about that problem or send an email to [email protected]. Please try to explain the exact problem that you face, what you were doing when it happened. Any other details that might be helpful will also be appreciated.

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