Deuces Card Game
Double Deuce Poker HD is a variation on video poker games found in many casinos. It uses a standard 52-card deck with no jokers. The goal is to create the best five-card poker hand you can with the two rounds of cards you receive. The better the hand, the more chips you'll win. You can win even more chips if our hand contains one or more deuces. Deuces is a double-deck game with an interesting layout. Wins are frequent, and the strategy isn’t deep. Aces are ranked high (above Kings) which is unusual because in most solitaire games Aces rank low, below the deuces (twos). Layout Remove all eight 2’s (the deuces) from a double deck of cards, and place them in two rows of four. These 52 cards, 11 cards (0 through 10) in each of 4 colour suits plus 6 Rainbow cards and 2 X cards. You try to go out (empty your hand) during each hand; score is kept and the first player to reach 100 wins. Each player is dealt 6 cards. You begin by placing two cards of your choice in front of you, face up, to create two discard piles. The two cards played must match either by colour.
Deuces Wild is a variation of video poker in which deuces (2 cards) are wild cards. A wild card is a card that can be substituted to give the player the highest possible poker hand. Deuces Wild Poker Slots is a hybrid between Deuces Wild Video Poker and Video Slots. This best of both worlds combination game lets you play up to 5 lines at once. Etiquette Crummy rummy is a complicated game. It is common for a beginner to forget that deuces are wild and discard a deuce. It is also common for a beginner who has not laid down his/her contract yet to discard a card that may be played to the table by the next player (although sometimes this is unavoidable).
The Deuce (German: Daus, plural: Däuser) is the playing card with the highest value in German card games. It may have derived its name from dice games in which the face of the die with two pips is also called a Daus in German.[1]
Unlike the Ace, with which it may be confused, the Deuce represents the 2, which is why two hearts, bells, etc. are depicted on the card. In many regions it is not only equated to the Ace, but is also, incorrectly, called an Ace. In the south German area it has been historically called the Sow (Sau) and still is today,[1] because of the appearance of a wild boar on the Deuces in early card packs, a custom that has survived on the Deuce of Bells.
Ei der Daus! (also: Was der Daus!) is an expression, similar, to 'What the deuce!' in English, which reflects astonishment, bewilderment or even anger. It is commonly, if wrongly, assumed to be an expression derived from card players' jargon.[2]
Comparison of German and French suits[edit]
German playing cards | Deuce (German: Daus) |
French playing cards | Ace (German: Ass, French: as) |
Origin and history[edit]
The word Daus as a description of the two pips on a die has been in use since the 12th century.[3] It comes from the Late Old High German, later Middle High German word, dûs, which was borrowed from the North French word, daus. This corresponds to the French word for 'two', deux, which in turn came from the Latin duos and duo. On the introduction of playing cards into the German language area at the end of the 14th century, the word was also transferred to the cards with the value 2. This card became the highest value playing card in the German card deck, the equivalent of the Ace in the French deck.
On the German playing card with the 2, the deuce, there is often a picture of a hog or sow. While Friedrich Kluge is unsure,[4] how the card came to be called the Daus, because he avers that there are no game rules that have survived from the Middle Ages, Marianne Rumpf is clear: The word 'Daus' is a term that has been taken over from the dice game.[5] However, unlike dice games, in which the 2 was a low throw and did not count for much, the deuce card played a special role as a trick card, because it could even beat the King. The Early New High German author, Johann Fischart, says thus: 'I have thrown out the Ace, Sow and Deuce of Bells, Clubs, Hearts respectively; but now I hold the Sow of Acorns which now reigns'.[6] The name Schwein ('hog') was also used for the deuce as may be read in the Reimchronik über Herzog Ulrich von Württemberg ('Rhyming Chronicle About Duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg'), which also reveals that the Deuce, like the Ace in the modern game of Skat, was worth 11 points: 'The King ought to beat all the cards. That is apart from the Hog. It wants then to be worth 11.'[7]
Early evidence of the depiction of a hog on the card is found as early as the 15th century, from which Deuces of Bells and Acorns have survived on which there is a wild boar. Decks with a hog or sow on the card along with the 2 of Bells have also survived from the year 1525 in the Swiss National Museum in Zürich and in a deck dating to 1573 made by the Viennese artist, Hans Forster. There is also a deck of cards by a Frankfurt manufacturer dating to 1573, on which the hog is found on a 2 of Hearts.[5] The link between the Deuce and the Sow is evinced by Johann Leonhard Frisch in his 1741 German-Latin dictionary: 'Sow in card game, from the figure of a sow, which is painted on the Deuce of Acorns, whence the other deuces are also called Sows.'[8]
How the boar ended up on the playing card is unknown. Hellmut Rosenfeld suspects that it was derived from the prize sow that played a role in local shooting festivals (Schützenfesten) and which was linked with the last sheaf of the harvest.[9] The description Sau may have been a corruption of the word Daus, and the depiction of a boar on the playing cards was simply a pictorial illustration of this etymological development.
According to Marianne Rumpf, the name comes from a Baden dialect in which the 'S' is spoken like a 'Sch' and the word Dausch is used for a female pig or sow.[10]
[One] can ... with a little imagination, picture that the players, in the excitement of the game when playing the trump card ... loudly emphasize their triumph by saying the name of the card.[5]
The Brothers Grimm state in their dictionary,[11] that the word Tausch ('Swap') was used for the four cards. Perhaps the word Dausch inspired card artists who illustrated the free space under the coloured symbols with a sow.[5]
The language of card players may also have given rise to the expression Däuser (also Deuser) for 'coins', recorded since the 19th century, because in a game played for money, the aces are worth cash. Quite similar is the saying Däuser bauen Häuser ('deuces build houses'), which has been used since 1850, because with a trick with several aces, one quickly scores the points needed to win.[12]
See also[edit]
- ^ abGames played with German suited cards at Retrieved 26 May 2018.
- ^Lutz Röhrich: Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten, 5 volume, Freiburg i. Br. 1991; Lemma Daus in Vol. 1, p. 309
- ^Belege für die Verwendung in mittelhochdeutscher Sprache im Wörterbuch der Grimms
- ^Friedrich Kluge: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, revised by Elmar Seebold, 23rd edn. Berlin, New York, 1995; Lemmata 'Daus1' and 'Daus2', p. 164
- ^ abcdMarianne Rumpf: Zur Entwicklung der Spielkartenfarben in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Frankreich. In: 'Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde' 72, 1976, pp. 1–32, doi:10.5169/seals-117151.
- ^Johann Fischart: Die wunderlichst vnerhörtest Legend vnd Beschreibung des … Hütleins …, 1591, in: Das Kloster, ed. by J. Scheible, Vol.10, 2: Fischarts kleinere Schriften, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1848, p.920; here quoted by Marianne Rumpf, p. 14
- ^Reimchronik über Herzog Ulrich von Württemberg und seiner nächsten Nachfolger, ed. by Eduard Frh. von Seckendorf, Stuttgart, 1863, p. 72; here quoted by Marianne Rumpf, p. 13
- ^Johann Leonhard Frisch: Teutsch-lateinisches Wörterbuch, Berlin, 1741, Vol. 2, p. 151; here quoted by Marianne Rumpf, p. 12
- ^Hellmut Rosenfeld: Münchner Spielkarten um 1500, Bielefeld, 1958, p. 11; paraphrased by Marianne Rumpf, p. 13
- ^Daus: Dausch in the Dictionary of the Brothers Grimm.
- ^Tausch in the Dictionary of the Brothers Grimm
- ^Heinz Küpper: Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache. 1st edition, 6th reprint, Stuttgart, Munich, Dusseldorf, Leipzig, 1997, keyword 'Daus', p. 160
Deuces Card Game Online
- Marianne Rumpf: Zur Entwicklung der playing cardsnfarben in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Frankreich. In: „Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde“ 72, 1976, pp. 1–32 (for Daus, see pp. 11–14)
External links[edit]
- Media related to Deuces (playing cards) at Wikimedia Commons
Table Of Contents
- Deuces Wild is a version of video poker where the 2s act as wild cards
- This is an article for complete (!) beginners
Have you ever played Deuces Wild Video Poker at an online Casino?
The RTP (Return to Player) index of Deuces Wild Video Poker falls somewhere between 97 and 100 percent, which makes it one of the best versions of Video Poker in gambling.
If you want to learn a thing or two about Deuces Wild so that you could practice it online later on, read this article and learn all the most important info about this Casino game.
But if you already know how to play this exciting game, pick one from the list below and activate a welcome bonus to enjoy the best video poker games of 2019!
Introduction to Deuces Wild Poker
Deuces Wild is almost identical to all the other Video Poker games, like Double Bonus or Jacks or Better.
You’ll play with a standard 52-card deck. You’ll have to choose which cards you want to hold - and you’ll pray for the Royal Flush to appear.
Deuces Wild Poker has something the other versions lack.
That’s the possibility to replace any card by a deuce.
In other words, deuces (2s) act as wilds here.
How to Play Deuces Wild Video Poker
Now, this is a section for dummies.
Look, I’m not saying that you’re dumb - but if you’ve never played Deuces Wild Video Poker before, you have to start from the basics.
Luckily, there’s not much to learn here.
If you want to play Deuces Wild, just register a free gaming account on this page, choose a video poker machine, and let the adventure begin at the best online Casino for Video Poker and Deuces Wild players.

Here’s what you need to do then:
- Select your bet (I suggest you start small, just in case)
- When you get five cards, decide which ones you want to keep - and discard the rest (don’t you dare to discard a deuce!)
- Check your new hand - did you lose or win?
So, that’s how your regular game of Deuces Wild Poker online looks like.
Read the next section to find out which card combinations you should look out for.
The Winning Hands of Deuces Wild Video Poker
To a beginner, terms like “Full house” or “Deuces royal flush” can give quite a headache.
And that’s understandable.
It took me some time to learn how to play poker back in the day.
And I began with the names of the winning hands - because that’s what I cared about the most.
These are some of the most popular poker terms you should learn (or at least have a general idea of) before you play the game of Deuces Wild Poker:
- Three of a kind. Three cards of the same value
- Straight. Five consecutive cards, which can differ in suits.
- Flush. Five same-suit cards of any value.
- Full House. A pair (two cards of the same value) + three of a kind.
- Four of a kind. Four cards of the same value.
- Straight flush. Five sequential cards.
- Five of a kind. Four cards of the same value and a deuce.
- Deuces royal flush. The same as Royal Flush, with one card replaced by a deuce.
- Four deuces. Quite an obvious one.
- Natural royal flush. A 10, a Jack, a Queen, a King, and an Ace of the same suit.
Remember that a deuce can replace any card, except in the case of the Natural royal flush.
Play to Get Better Odds: The Paytable of Deuces Wild Video Poker
The pay table of Deuces Wild Video Poker is a bit less generous in comparison to other kinds of Poker.
The wild 2s will provide you with countless winning combinations you wouldn’t find anywhere else.
And even though you won’t get paid for having a pair or two, you’ll have some new possibilities to win. Like the hands of Deuces royal flush or Four deuces.
Below, you can see the payout table of Deuces Wild Video Poker. It will give you a general idea of how much you can win.
Hand | 1 coin bet | 2 coins bet | 3 coins bet | 4 coins bet | 5 coins bet |
Three of a kind | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Straight | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Flush | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
Full House | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 |
Four of a kind | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 |
Straight flush | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Five of a kind | 12 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 60 |
Deuces royal flush | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 |
Four deuces | 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1,000 |
Natural royal flush | 250 | 500 | 750 | 1,000 | 4,000 |
Your Basic Strategy of Deuces Wild Poker
Deuces Wild Card Game Rules
Here, I will explain the optimal strategy of Deuces Wild Video Poker.
You won’t find anything complicated - and that’s not a bad thing for a first-timer.
Dealt hands | Cards to hold | Cards to draw |
Four to a Royal Flush | 4 | 1 |
Four of a kind | 4 | 1 |
Three of a kind | 3 | 2 |
Four to a Straight Flush | 4 | 1 |
Three to a Royal Flush | 4 | 1 |
One pair | 2 | 3 |
Four to a Flush | 4 | 1 |
Four to a Straight | 4 | 1 |
Three to a Straight Flush | 3 | 2 |
Two to a Royal Flush | 2 | 3 |
Nothing | 0 | 5 |

Quite self-explanatory, isn’t it?
And now, before you get your hands on more advanced Deuces Wild Video Poker strategies, it’s about time you try out this game for free.
Play Deuces Wild (and Other Video Poker Variants Online)
Are you ready to play a game of this exciting online Poker variant?
You can play all these games for free (Deuces Wild included) and use the demo versions as a challenging video Poker trainer or you can use the welcome bonus to start your adventure on the real money games.