1000000 Roulette Spins
If You Have a System That Beats RNG (software) Roulette, I’ll Pay You $100,000
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The “holy grail” is the term for a roulette system that beats any and all roulette, including RNG (random number generator). In reality, RNG roulette is nothing more than software. It is identical to a slot machine, but instead of animated reels and fun little jackpot features with free spins, you see an animation of a wheel and ball.
If you believe you have the “holy grail”, I will pay you AUD$100,000 for it if you can prove it. Below are general conditions and procedures:
STEP 1. We send you 100,000 RNG spins for you to test your system. If your system profits over these spins, you will specify the exact results, and proceed to the next step.
STEP 2. Lock your system in an encrypted password-protected file that neither of us can open or edit. This file will be sent to a neutral solicitor and escrow agent (of mutual selection). Your system must be clearly detailed with no ambiguity at all – it must be purely mechanical with no guesswork.
STEP 3. I will send you a further 900,000 RNG spins. You will then test your system. If the results indicate profit, specify the results and proceed to the next step.

STEP 4. The funds (AUD$100,000) will be transferred to an escrow agent.
STEP 5. You will send me the password for the file containing the system. I will verify your testing is accurate. The escrow agent and solicitor will only receive the password if there is conflict regarding the results.
STEP 6. Assuming your testing is accurate, the escrow agent will release the $100,000 to you.
- The challenge only applies to RNG (random number generator) spins, not spins from a physical wheel as I already know real wheels can be beaten.
- More than 1M spins may be needed as the test must be conducted over 1,000,000 spins where bets are actually made. i.e. you cannot do something like skip 999,999 spins, and bet on only 1 spin. To achieve this, at any time just let me know if you need additional RNG spins.
- The above procedures are not set in concrete and can be customized to whatever you want to feel comfortable, provided your requests are fair and reasonable.
- The challenge is absolutely real, and we’re not dealing with a small transaction so we will both require solicitors. Legally binding contracts for both sides will be signed.

- If you want to be sure we actually have the $100,000 before you go spend the time and effort, proof can easily be provided. But it will not be provided to you directly as it would involve the release of private information. Therefore proof of funds will be provided by my financial advisors to your solicitor who will sign a non-disclosure agreement. It is not at all expensive to arrange solicitors for this simple task, and it will leave you in no doubt that we have the liquid funds required to keep our word.
Roulette Spins Data
- If the system is what you claim, it will be used extensively by our teams in real casino conditions. Therefore, typical casino betting limits must apply. This is not just a public challenge – it is an offer to buy the holy grail (if it actually exists).
- The funds are currently properly invested, not sitting in a bank account. Therefore, if I’m going to move the funds, I need to be sure you are also serious about the challenge. So before I send the $100,000 to the escrow agent, you must send the escrow agent AUD$1,000, which will be returned to you at the conclusion of the challenge IF your stated results over the 1M spins are accurate. If you have misled me, and specifically if your system does not beat the 1M spins, I receive the $1,000 as reimbursement. This is to prevent time-wasters from costing me lost revenue resulting from withdrawing the funds from investments. $1,000 is not a lot of money especially for someone with the “holy grail”, so fronting the money should not be a problem. Either way, if your claims are accurate and if you really do have the holy grail, your $1,000 is never at risk as it is held by an escrow agent, not myself.
Roulette Spin Results List
This offer is open to everyone, whether they are a system seller or not. By all means if you know of anyone who claims they have the holy grail, invite them to take this challenge.
This challenge has been offered for many years, and the only people to have attempted it end up failing the initial 100,000 spin testing.
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